Galileo Event Management System (GEMS)

Introduction to Galileo Event Management System

Introduction to Galileo Event Management System.

This short video explains the overall design of Galileo Event Management System (GEMS).
The description video covers

  • Introduction to Galileo Event Management System (GEMS)
  • Pre-Requisites of using GEMS
  • Type of Meetings Supported in GEMS
  • Main Components of GEMS
  • Pricing
Introduction to Processes and Workflow

Process Overview

This short video explains the overall process workflow for the Galileo Event Management System.
The description video covers

  • Lifecycle Events of GEMS
  • Various Stages
  • Switching Off and On Various Processes

GEMS is designed to manage Events like Annual General Meetings (AGM), Extra Ordinary Meetings (EGM), Board of Directors Meetings (BOD).

Requirements to use Service

  • Client should already have an account with Licensing at
    • To create an manage account login to
  • A Provisioned Server with
    • If a Provisioned Server is not there you need to request it from the same site
  • Client should have sufficient Balance in there Wallet to support a meeting/event

Important Features

  • This Product supports a lot features, some of them as follows:
    • Main Back Office Application:
      • Multi lingual with Right To Left Support (Like Arabic, Hebrew etc.).
      • 100% Responsive web-site
      • Creation and Management of Companies
      • Creation and Management of Meetings
      • User Role Assignments (in case of new back office users)
      • Dashboard: Showcase the Quorum and Results Charts
      • Dashboard contents updated live
      • Generic Investor Data Upload – Would work with any exchange data
      • Add observer customers like Regulator, Auditor etc.
      • Define Rules and Regulation for each meetings
      • Setting up of additional locks/controls to control this event
      • All actions are audit tracked and can be checked via Audit Report
      • Proxy Support, Controls on Proxy Percentage is available
      • Proxy Special Nominee Support
      • System wide broadcast and Messaging Services
      • SMS/Email enabled or remote customers
      • Complex Reports is supported with 6 built in reports
      • Support of Inhouse, Virtual and Hybrid Events and Meetings
      • Live Streaming Support (Free and Paid Services available)
      • BOD Directors Meeting via Collaboration tool kit to share screens as well
      • Calendar Support for entire lifetime of the event.
      • Attendance and Voting Support
      • Regular Shareholder Management
      • Dashboard to show Quorum and Resolution Voting Results
      • And Many More Features..
    • e-Voting for Virtual Shareholders
      • Multi lingual with Right To Left Support (Like Arabic, Hebrew etc).
      • 100% Responsive web-site
      • Onboarding with shareholder document upload
      • ID and Invitation Letter Upload
      • Backoffice process to approve these remote users
      • Self Proxy Support for new investors with no email or mobile data in uploaded data
      • Regular email and SMS Update on the status of attendance
      • PRE Attendance Support
      • PRE Voting Support
      • Smart Handling of Shareholders who change their holding before meeting date
      • Online Live Broadcast Support
      • Completely Responsive Web-site
      • Can run on virtually any device and any smartphone with modern browser support.
      • Proxy: Virtual Onboarding
      • Proxy : Adding and approval of Shareholders a Nominees
      • Proxy : Special Nominee Attendance Voting Process
      • Proxy : Separate screens to manage individual Nominees
      • And Many More Features..
    • Define and update any SMS/EMAIL notifications sent on the meeting day
    • Well defined EMAIL And SMS Templates
    • Completely Customizable as part of clients theme requirements
    • All Messages/Labels/Look and Feel items can be modified with Regular Provisioning Cost
  • Privacy
    • Each client is given s separate instance to keep the data and application
    • Data and networks not shared
    • Hosting on AWS Cloud and in sovereign jurisdiction, if AWS datacenter is available in your country.
    • Database backups provided from time to time to ensure your data is also available at your datacenter too (if required)
  • Regulatory Compliance
    • All the Corporate Actions (AGM/EGM/Dividends/Rights Issue) etc. require Regulatory Approvals. System has adequate reports to address all requirements
    • Please note that I- f a geography is new – Compliance changes may take time.
    • We are focused to provide you 100% free coverage to any new or updated regulatory compliance with respect to processes under our fair change policy.
  • Live Support
    • On select geographies – an onsite consultant can be shared to help with managing the meeting
    • On select geographies and with additional cost, a meeting organizer can also be provided for 100% virtual meetings.
    • There are 2 kinds of support, One is technical where we share our WhatsApp Business account number to clients to raise any issue.
    • Individual Shareholders also can get in touch with us provided if the client business representative cannot resolve the issue.
    • On select geographies – and for 100% Virtual Meetings, EntrustedMe Consultants can be signed up for professional support on Meeting Day.
  • Pricing
    • There are 2 kinds of cost applicable while using GEMS.
    • First is the hosting charges (that is charged per year)
      • This charge is applicable to keep your server alive and with all history properly preserved.
    • Second is the per event license (this has to be purchased before the event).


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Hyderabad, Telangana, India